
Monday 24 October 2016

SPIRIT. 48 x 48 inches. acrylic on canvas. 2014

A vision of an off grid lo tech modern primitive loving thriving harmonious community

I have always dreamt for a higher
consciousness of love, harmony, and evolution between my self and all beings. It still is a rare thing, and I am deeply thankful and blessed to have it in my life with my family and friends, but have always wanted this for everything and everyone, full stop.

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Heavy Electromagnetic Interference

more process.....development of the context in text the insanity of the overlords......

Elementary School

as the sun went to set , I sat in the field across from my old elementary school, remembering my kindergarden year,.....drawing the past

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Saturday 16 July 2016

Her Final Months

DARK ART harbinger. Processing, roughing out a new painting > Her  Final Months.
....mapping a depiction of a highly fragile structure , current earth.on the verge of transformation, birth pangs.

the equation:
(our solar system, our atmosphere, geopolitics, war, invasion by tech, the natural environment, a dead mother and child)
fragility, balance/s, relationships of relationships, planet close to ww3. further description.

start here

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Opening up, Another Dimension

first painting

" Riot!" ( Her Final Months)
*in progress
acrylic on canvas
24 x 48 inches

second painting (with light) 
New Century Rhymes, pt. 13. Nuclear Interaction
acrylic on canvas and panel
gross dimensions: 50 x 71 1/4 inches [ in 5 pieces, mounted together ]


Wednesday 15 June 2016


my initials in braille
surface preparation
thinking of antarctica
and pyramids

Monday 6 June 2016

Eminent Domain (pull me under, pull me under, pull me under, I'm not afraid)

almost done with this painting ( includes detail images)
the moon, nibiru (planet x, Hercolubus), sunrise. Jupiter, ancient sacred sites, weaponry diagrams, chem trails, 1-747, iron maiden, little pharmer, edible and medicine plants, the landscape, earthquakes /pole shift, a gathering in the woods/ shinirin yoku, by a shoes string, a bell, hanging from an extendable fork...

Bones turned to dirt.
worlds turning wordless...
...a map of poems.

 *Extendable fork/hanger for bell

Friday 27 May 2016

Friday 27

Piecing this puzzle together. For an upcoming group show. Theme: I Am, We I

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Working titles only

working title/s:
 Eminent Domain Shinrin Yoku

Monday 8 February 2016

signal to noise

in > clear signal (filter) out > clear signal

in > clear signal (filter) out > interpretation/distortion:reaction